Free videos Florida Cna state exam

Cna Kwik track in the Orlando area provides a Cna exam preparation course that includes FREE VIDEOS besides the hands-on training and study guide. All the training package is for students preparing to take the Florida Cna state exam offered by Prometric.

Most schools that offer Cna exam prep courses do not include Free Videos in their package; they are not offered at all or they charge a separate fee.

Cna Kwik Track understands how important videos are to continue studying after completing the Hands-on course.
The internet has a huge selection of Cna videos and most people can’t distinguish between the videos that are most accurate and follow the prometric testing standards for the state of Florida.

Cna Kwik Track videos demonstrate the clinical skills in a very simple way that follows the key points that are part of the Florida Cna State exam.

Cna Kwik Track Package:
Hands-on training
Study guide
Asistance signing up for the exam
Job search assistance

Call now and enroll 407-402-5823